| |||
there are | |||
there | |||
| |||
bear; command; contain; enjoy; be in the enjoyment of; have; monopolize; number; occupy; own; possess; be in receipt of | |||
hold (deonice); tenant | |||
entertain; have in one's possession; have possession; hold; keep; be in receipt; retain | |||
nick (Can I nick a cigarette until later? I'll buy a packet when I get my wages — Mogu li da ti uzmem cigaretu? Kupiću paklu kada dobijem platu) | |||
| |||
there is; there's | |||
| |||
imam | |||
I have got | |||
| |||
in the least |
ima : 1907 phrases in 56 subjects |
American usage, not spelling | 7 |
Anatomy | 1 |
Architecture | 4 |
Aviation | 3 |
Avuncular | 4 |
Botany | 9 |
British English spelling | 1 |
Business | 1 |
Chemistry | 12 |
Clerical | 1 |
Collective | 1 |
Construction | 1 |
Customs | 1 |
Economics | 99 |
Electronics | 1 |
Entomology | 1 |
Figurative | 44 |
Finances | 1 |
French | 1 |
General | 339 |
Glass production | 1 |
Grammar | 3 |
Greek | 2 |
Heraldry | 2 |
Historical | 1 |
Ichthyology | 1 |
Informal | 20 |
Information technology | 9 |
Latin | 1 |
Law | 1081 |
Mathematics | 2 |
Medical | 22 |
Military | 7 |
Music | 2 |
Nautical | 1 |
Obsolete / dated | 3 |
Oil / petroleum | 72 |
Optics branch of physics | 2 |
Ornithology | 1 |
Paint, varnish and lacquer | 1 |
Photography | 2 |
Physics | 1 |
Polygraphy | 8 |
Rail transport | 1 |
Religion | 1 |
Road traffic | 2 |
Road works | 1 |
Slang | 99 |
Sports | 1 |
Stock Exchange | 2 |
Technology | 13 |
Telephony | 1 |
Television | 1 |
Theatre | 2 |
Veterinary medicine | 1 |
Zoology | 5 |